Under the current program, you will request all certificates via the Internet through eCertsOnline. eCertsOnline is an Internet based tool that creates, stores, and issues certificates of insurance via e-mail. We are providing this tool to USASA individuals who are responsible for obtaining and delivering certificates of insurance to holders. What’s a holder you ask? A “holder” is simply the name of the person or company or school district or whomever it is requesting that you provide a certificate or proof of insurance before you use a field or other facility. It’s that simple.

So this puts a tedious but necessary process directly under your control. No more need to download a certificate request form, print it out, fill it out manually, and then fax it off to some far away insurance company. Now you can do this all on your own and have your needed certificate instantly.

eCertsOnline will let you prepare the document needed to prove that your team or league has insurance coverage while using a facility. You will be filling in online forms with your name, a way to contact you, and the name of the government or company organization whose facility you plan to use. You will also be telling eCertsOnline where to e-mail the official copy of the Certificate of Insurance which you need.


Before you use eCertsOnline for the first time you must download and read the user guide. This is the only way you will know what user ID and password to use when logging into the system.