Q: How do I affiliate with USASA?
A: Contact your local state association for the details on the process and fees required. Regional/State Directory
Q: What are the benefits to joining USASA?
A: As a member of USASA we offer Insurance for all our members, National Competitions including our Adult Soccer Fest and National Cup. You will also be registered through the US Soccer Federation.
Q: How do I register my team for one of your national tournaments?
A: All our tournament information and registration can be found under our Competitions tab.
Q: How do I process an insurance claim?
A: Acquire the USASA Special Risk Accident Claim form here.
Once the form is complete send it to your state association office to be verified. From there it will be sent to our national office and on to the insurance company. Be sure to please fill out the form in it’s entirety. Incomplete forms will not be processed and returned to sender.
Q: Can my association use the USASA logo?
A: Only USASA member associations may utilize the USASA logo on promotional materials connected with the association. Examples include brochures, event programs, association web-sites and newsletters. If you have questions concerning logo usage please call the USASA office at (708) 496-6870 or email us at communications@usasa.com.